
A dad struggles to reconnect with his daughter after he and his wife, concerned about the daughter's activities, hide a tracking device on her. 

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Cast & Crew

Mickey Hadick (Dad)
Ashley Killips (Daughter)
Jennifer Worley (Mom)
Adam Blake, Jaime Mullen, Anna Mullen, Kathi Dibean Wayne Dibean, Paul Colligan, Rosie Colligan, Nolan Colligan, and Cooper Sisco


Dave Fairman - Director, Screenplay, Editor, Producer
Ashley Pyle - First Assistant Director, Script Supervisor, Producer
Jeff Giroux - Audio Supervisor, Producer
Mickey Hadick - Producer
Paul Cleaveland - Producer, Sound Recorder
Brendan Trimmer - Production Assistant, Sound Recorder
Dani Fairman - Sound Recorder

Story by: Keith & Ashley Pyle, Mickey Hadick, Paul Cleaveland, Jeff Giroux, and Dave Fairman

Tracker was the 2nd Place Jury Prize Winner and the Audience Choice Award Winner at the 2017 Capital City Film Festival Fortnight Film Contest. It was created over a 2 week period in March, 2017. 

Thank you to everyone who was involved in the filming and creation of this short!

Bloopers from 'TRACKER'