New Episodes Every Two Weeks
On YouTube

What this is all about
I’m Dave Fairman and this is INDIEfinitive.
I am a filmmaker. Writer, director, editor, producer, occasionally prop master, sometimes fight choreographer, or maybe even a poor excuse for a wardrobe consultant - whatever it takes to get things made.
And that’s what INDIEfinitive is really about - it’s about documenting my journey as a filmmaker and that of the people I’m lucky enough to work with.
So we’ll talk about all the things we think about when we’re trying to make movies. We'll talk about the experiences of production, being on set, trying to get on set, writing, preproduction, acting, directing, post-production, distribution, all of it.
We'll interview a lot of other filmmakers and talk about how they make stuff. That could be directors and actors and producers and so on.
And of course, we’ll talk about the movies and shows that inspire and interest us, because let’s be honest - that’s what we’re thinking about a lot of the time anyway.
But this isn’t meant to be the end-all be-all guide to filmmaking. We're not going to pretend we know every essential tip you need to hear. The internet is full of “definitive lists” that claim to have all the answers, and that's not really what this is.
We're just gonna tell you about our experiences and what we go through as we go on this journey. It's a look at how we do it, the only way I know how, and the things we're thinking about along the way.
I hope you'll come along with us. I don’t claim to know all the answers. This isn't your definitive guide to filmmaking.
This is INDIEfinitive.
The Voices
Dave Fairman
I like to make movies…and now record a podcast and video series. That’s about the extent of it.
Connect with me on Instagram and Twitter and to see more work visit DaveFairman.com.