Episode 11: Favorite Movie Quotes with Ashley Killips
INDIEfinitive Episode 11: Favorite Movie Quotes with Ashley Killips
INDIEfinitive is a look at how we make films and what we're thinking about along the way.
When first starting this podcast, the idea was to document the process of making films. And then... well then coronavirus happened and making stuff really took a back seat. We've got some new projects coming and hope to be able to talk about the steps soon.
But in the meantime, since the focus the last few months has really been on writing, Ashley Killips is back and we're going to focus on some components of writing - great movie quotes that we really love.
Of the topics we've done, or even discussed, this one may have the most potential to be flawed because there are so many great options out there. But we're tackling it nonetheless.
As always, remember this is INDIEfinitive - we're not claiming this is the end-all be-all list, these are just our favorite at the time we recorded.
Thanks for listening, stay safe and healthy out there and hope you enjoy the INDIEfinitive list of our favorite movie quotes.
“DEBT” (starring Ashley Killips) is now available via Vimeo OnDemand, as well as DebtTheMovie.com and Amazon